您當前的位置:首頁 >>供應 >> 三軸伺服單工位機械手


  • 產品服務: 六軸工業機器人 塑膠成型機器人 CNC加工機器人 五金衝壓機器人 非標應用機器人 治具與周邊設備
  • 所屬類別: 供應 > 輔機
  • 單價: 0.00
  • 最小起訂 量: 0
  • 供貨總量: 0/台
  • 發貨期限: 3
  • 有效期至: 長期有效
  • 最後更新: 2016-07-20
  • 郵件: victorsz@vip.126.com
  • 電話: 400-018-6991
  • 手機: 13929450798
  • 地區: 深圳市
  • 地址: 深圳市龍崗區坪地街道環城南路61號



metalworking series --single-station CNC robot


Designed for CNC machining centers,CNC lathes application design,with a wide range of adaptation and compatibility,enabling fast taking,feeding,according to the application requirements Optional two-axis or three-axis servo servo.




-Are used for each axis servo drive,bis communication control system to ensure the robot precision,high-speed operation.


-Vertical floor installation,loading and unloading from the top,saving floor space.


-Libra-style body designstructural stabilityreduce vibration interference and improve the precision of the device.


-Flexible configuration,optional one or a stand-alone operation with two-line operation or use with multiple CNC and robot


-Combined into a streamlined automated production lines.


人機介麵The Man-machine Interface


產品優勢Product advantages




-Training time is short and program is easy to learn,including movement,process,time setting and formed interface.

-Real-time fault detection and prompt, integrated I/O display

-The system is security and reliable, reminding when operation system made by mistake.









-A7.5-inch LCD screen(touch and buttons)

-It canrealize circular arc interpolation and linear interpolation,save pick-up time

-It can realizemulti-point picking up in intramode

-It can realize the current program storage,save the time of adjustment.

-Support multiple languages (Chinese,Traditional Chinese character,English,Japanese,Korean,Thai)

-it has completed operation pattern,can stackable,arrangement,packing,free placement,external shear

-One-step operation function,can single step by step into the debugging.

-It can completely diagnostic text errors and time recording

     威特爾(victor)全伺服智能CNC機械手采用總線通訊控製係統,響應速度快,定位精準、抗幹擾能力強,並可以通過以太網接口連接互聯網與手機客戶端,實現遠程監控、編程人機互動,輕鬆地完成更多複雜工作係統還配備多種IO接口,可以拓視覺IML、 CCD上下遊輔助設備的控製功能,實現自動上料,產品取件、堆疊打包、連接通電檢測等一係列全自動化無人作業,幫助客戶節省用工成本、節約生產空間,減少對環境、人體的危害,提高生產效率,在金屬加工領域發揮最大潛能,從而達到最高工作效率。

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