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Inspection of the Time

  • 產品服務: 糾偏器,物料導正係統 吹膜機、拉伸膜生產線、覆膜機、流延膜生產線等
  • 所屬類別: 供應 > 其他加工機械
  • 單價: 0.00
  • 最小起訂 量: 0
  • 供貨總量: 0/台
  • 發貨期限: 3
  • 有效期至: 長期有效
  • 最後更新: 2016-07-08
  • 郵件: xia.yiting@bst-international.com.cn
  • 電話: 021-52265622
  • 手機: 13611669982
  • 地區: 上海
  • 地址: 上海市閔行區滬閔路7866弄蓮花國際廣場2號樓15層
 These systems for 100% inspection cover all web widths and are specially designed for the various requirements of the web processing industry.

The fault-free print results are of the utmost priority for many products.

Defects such as splashes, streaks or missing print can have unpleasant consequences.

Complete print defect detection ensures perfect results.

Systems for 100% print defect detection convince by:

  • state of the art cameras
  • data processing technology
  • extensive range of functions
  • comprehensive defect management software and features

That allows to produce highest quality.

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